Thursday, November 12, 2015

Day Ninety-Six: Gorgeous Fall Day!

I had Finn home with me today, so we took a long lunchtime walk around the neighborhood to burn off some of that little boy energy. We walked to a friend's house, took a little break, and walked home. Finn made it all 2.48 miles all by himself, which made be crazy proud. And the weather was absolutely glorious! Couple that with me actually making it to my morning barbell class, and I feel like today was pretty much a winner.

  • Barbell Strength class with Joy at the Apex gym
  • Big walk in the neighborhood with Finn: 2.48 miles
  • Short evening walk to finish miles/steps: 1.01 miles
  • Breakfast: spinach and mushroom frittata, 2 pieces of Applegate Farms sausage, 2 cups of tea with raw sugar and milk
  • Lunch: leftover stir-fry with skirt steak and greens (not enough, but too good to waste!), half a honeycrisp apple
  • Dinner:a small amount of meatloaf (Paula Deen's basic meatloaf recipe), roasted parsnips, green beans cooked in tomato sauce with onions and bacon
  • Snacks: 1 Mozzarella Babybel, 1 can of Steaz green tea with coconut water, 1 piece of irresistible bacon handed to me by a so-called "friend" :-)
  • Steps:12,803
  • Calories: 1213 consumed, 745 burned
  • Weight: 191 lbs (Boo--it went the wrong way!)(Yes, I realize fluctuation is to be expected, but I don't have to like it.)

Pretty Thing From My Walk

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Day Ninety-Five: What a Day!!!

Kieran's school was closed today for Veterans Day, so Jason and I both worked at home to field our rowdy kids and still get work done. We both ate lunch while working, and then decided to take the boys on a walk in the woods so they could burn off some energy. Unlike most of our family walks, which are awesome, this one seemed to consist of one annoying thing after another, culminating in Finn throwing a huge tantrum in the middle of the woods. So we cut the walk short and headed back to the car to discover a big puddle of coolant underneath it. It overheated on the way home, so we located a mechanic close to home, and now, it's in a garage. This means working at home tomorrow (again) because we're down to one car till this mess gets worked out. And none of that has anything to do with getting in shape, but I am brimming with frustration, so here we are anyway. 

By the time we got everything settled, the timing had derailed my dinner plans, and we ended up at our local pub, where there is, thank goodness, something relatively healthy for me to eat. I had to work hard to resist drinking about 100 beers instead of going to the gym. Thank the sweet baby Jesus it was Tiffany's Zumba class tonight, or I would never have made it. That said, I feel a lot better after going! Zumba = stress relief. Now, I'm off to bed so I can hopefully make it to barbell class tomorrow morning, too--that's the hardest one to make it to by far. I like the teacher a lot, but man--sleep is dear. Y'all say a prayer.

  • Family walk in the woods: 1.74 miles
  • Zumba with Tiffany at the Cary gym
  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs with cheese, 1 slice of banana bread, 2 cups of tea with raw sugar and milk
  • Lunch: butternut squash soup, muhammara with TJs pumpkin cranberry crisps
  • Dinner: Salem Street Pub's tuna salad wrap with a garden salad and thousand island dressing and a boatload of pepper
  • Snacks:N/A
  • Steps: 14,170
  • Calories: 1404 consumed, 1070 burned
  • Weight: 190 lbs and holding

Pretty Thing from My Walk

What's In An Average?

This is one of the most interesting articles I have ever read about body image and how we see ourselves: It's by Nicole Partridge and from Marie Claire magazine, of all places. I generally despise Marie Claire for photoshopping the women on their covers to near-unreconizability. However, this is pretty great. Each of these woman weighs 154 pounds, which is average in Australia. The article includes an interview with each one about how she feels about her body. Worth a read for sure.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Day Ninety-Four: A Break in the Rain

When I woke up this morning at 5am, it was POURING rain and cold outside. I almost can't believe that I made it to the gym this morning--it was a close thing, and the warm bed nearly won over the freezing rain. Utterly proud of myself for pushing through and making it to my barbell class, and even adding some weight for some of the workout today. I think that Tracy must have had something extra-energizing for breakfast, as she was extra mean today. She was even laughing an evil laugh and everything! I made it through class, but wow.

At lunchtime, the rain stopped right at the time when I generally walk, and I actually got to go! OUTSIDE! I can't tell you how glad I was to be outside for a walk during daylight hours--I have gotten so addicted to that. In fact, I just got my labs back from my physical last week, and this is the first time in years that my vitamin D levels have been good--apparently all the outdoor hours have been good for me. :-)

  • Barbell Strength class with Tracy at the Apex gym
  • Lunchtime walk: 2.08 miles
  • Evening walk to finish miles/steps: 1.56 miles (I didn't log it on MapMyWalk, but my fitbit doesn't lie!)
  • Breakfast: steel cut oatmeal with cinnamon and brown sugar, sliced almonds, 2% milk and half a banana, 2 cups of tea with milk and raw sugar
  • Lunch: turkey and avocado wrap on whole wheat tortilla with lettuce and havarti, a small honeycrisp apple, muhammara with sliced cucumbers, red peppers, and TJs pumpkin cranberry crisps
  • Dinner: stirfry with skirt steak, bok choy, tatsoi, chocolate peppers, ginger, garlic, soy, peanut oil, shallots, and scallions, served with steamed jasmine rice
  • Snacks: a super-decadent chocolate duet cookie from Panera (which I regretted after it made me feel a little nauseated)--I don't need anymore chocolate anytime soon. Ugh.
  • Steps: 11,085
  • Calories: 1756 consumed, 561 burned (plus tonight's walk, which I failed to log on MapMyWalk)
  • Weight: 190 lbs


Music is crucial to working out. Over the course of the past few months, I've created a playlist that fits my natural walking rhythms, and it's super helpful for maintaining focus and speed when I walk alone. My lunchtime walk today was a little faster than usual, thanks to this song, which I heard on the radio last week and immediately bought for the playlist. I think this was the soundtrack of my entire second mile today--I love when the music makes you feel like you're dancing down the path!

Pretty Thing From My Walk

Monday, November 9, 2015

Day Ninety-Three: Continuation

I am going to have to change the name of this blog, since I am not past the 90 days, but have no intention of stopping. I like the idea of keeping the day numbers for the daily log posts so I can keep track of how long it takes me to get into the shape I want to be. Things have been going well, and I think all the tracking I am doing has been a big part of that, so I am keeping it up. I think I will plan to take another picture in another 20 pounds, too. I like the visual tracking of progress.

  • Lunchtime walk was aborted due to pouring rain. AGAIN! :-(
  • Yoga with Beth at the Apex gym
  • Evening walk, in my living room, feeling slightly like a fool: 2.02 miles
  • Breakfast: spinach and mushroom frittata, 1/2 a pices of Great Harvest honey whole wheat toast with farm butter, 2 cups of tea with milk and raw sugar
  • Lunch: leftover potatoes gratin and roasted brussels sprouts from Saturday's date night at Peak City Grill with a boiled egg. It wasn't a ton, but it enought, and it was delicious and comforting on this cold rainy day.
  • Dinner:butternut squash soup with rosemary honey goat cheese, walnuts, and fresh sage, Trader Joes pumpkin cranberry crisps
  • Snacks:N/A
  • Steps:12,317
  • Calories: 1129 consumed, 571 burned
  • Weight: 192.5 - up a couple of pounds from low activity weekend and date night!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

90-Day Challenge Essay

The last step if the essay is to write a 5000-character essay about your experience with the challenge. I submitted mine today, and here it is:

In July, I got an email about the 90-day Weight Loss Challenge, just as I was searching for motivation to get moving again. I thought that joining might give me some much-needed accountability, so I decided to go for it. Like many people who have battled weight issues for years, I knew WHAT to do—I just needed the motivation to actually DO it. I didn’t spend a lot of money on this challenge. I haven’t hired a personal trainer or a nutritionist, and I haven’t purchased any supplements. I have tried to be smart and not set unrealistic goals for myself.  I have mostly stuck with my plans, in spite of a few life-related setbacks, and I came close to meeting my personal goal of losing 25 pounds, would put me about half way to my goal weight. In the end, I lost 21.4 pounds, which is 10% of my starting body weight, and I am pretty happy with that!

I have never been happy with my weight, but my attitude about it has changed a lot over the years. I used to view losing weight as a path to happiness, but I have realized as I have gotten older that happiness comes from within, and that weight is more about health than anything else. As a young’un, I used to diet stupidly and work out sporadically, and I truly had no idea what I was doing or how unhealthy my actions were for my body. In my 20s and early 30s, I went through a couple of periods of coming close to being in decent shape, but with a real lack of knowledge about what I was doing—it never “stuck,” and I always ended up back where I started or worse.

In my mid-30s, I started to learn about nutrition. I read a book called “Fatland” that was a real game changer for me, and I started to change my diet. Over the next few years, I learned more and more, started cooking more and eating healthier. I learned a lot by going to the farmers market every weekend and trying anything that was unfamiliar. I read Jane Brody’s nutrition book, Walter C Willet’s fantastic guide, “Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy,” the South Beach Diet books, and many others. I learned to take an additive approach to dieting—trying to figure out ways to get more healthy things into my diet rather than focusing on depriving myself of things that were less healthy. I learned to make healthy choices most of the time, and not to beat myself up over occasional indulgences. I learned to plan meals for the whole week at a time, and to do a lot of cooking and prep on Sundays so that it was easier to keep up with healthy eating through the work week. I believe that our family eats really well overall. Food is not the source of my weight issues.

My biggest issue is time. I am a mother of two young children, and I have a full time, extremely sedentary job. I have had a huge amount of trouble finding time and a way to fit exercise into my life in a way that I could actually maintain. Through this challenge, I have tried to look hard at the bits and pieces of my day that were unclaimed by other commitments: early mornings, evenings after dinner and homework is done and before the kids are in bed, the brief time at night before I go to bed, my lunch hour at work... I have found classes and created short workouts for myself to fit into these holes in my schedule, and I have had a ton of support from my other half to make that happen. Time management has been a HUGE priority, and we have, as a family, achieved a level of organization I didn’t even know was possible. It’s working.

For the last 3 months, I have been utilizing the fool out of the classes at two locations of the gym. I am doing Zumba classes 2-3 times per week, Barbell Strength classes 2 times per week, and a Yoga class once a week. In addition to this, I am also doing daily core work at home, stretching a lot, and walking 11,000 steps/5 miles per day. Our family has been doing big family hikes on the weekends—we are having a blast exploring state parks and the local hiking trails we are so lucky to have all around us.  I have been tracking calories on the MyFitnessPal app, which I have linked to the Fitbit app and the MapMyWalk app. Last, but not least, I have been blogging the whole experience, including pictures, research, and rewards.  I have put some good habits in place and worked out a great schedule for our whole family to get us moving more and eating better. This whole experience has been so positive. I am confident that it has set me on a path to meeting my personal weight and health goals—this is our new “normal,” and I think it’s totally maintainable for our family. I feel better, I am starting to look better, I am setting a good example for my kids, and last night, I made it into my “goal pants” for a date night with my awesome and ultra-supportive other half. It’s all good.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Official Weigh-Out and Pictures

Starting weight on August 9, 2015: 211.5 on the home scale, 214.3 on the gym scale
Weight on November 7, 2105: 190 on the home scale, 192.9 on the gym scale
Current Loss: 21.5 pounds

Before Pictures:

Progress Pictures:

There are definitely some differences, but I certainly don't want to call the second set, "after pictures," because I still have a long way to go. I think the biggest difference is in my waistline. I didn't take full body measurements when I started, but I wish I had. There's a big difference in my waistline, which is most apparent from the side and back.

Jason and I are heading out on an actual date, and I am wearing these amazing bright green linen pants that I bought as a goal over a year ago, and I have to say--that's pretty awesome. I tried them on as a test, with very low expectations, and they aren't even the slightest bit tight. So exciting! I know it's November, and WAY past linen season, but people, I cannot help it--these things have to be worn!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Day Ninety: Last Day of the Challenge!

I can't believe that today is the last day of this challenge--and believe me, a challenge it has been. So many unexpected life derailments, and so many things that kept me from working out here and there. Only a few food slips really, so that's good. And hey--I am still pretty happy about those 20 pounds, even if I WAS hoping it would be 5 more by now. Those 5 will come, and the rest after. This is the beginning of a longer road. Hopefully, this has all helped me to set up better habits.

Tomorrow morning, I have my final weigh-out at 8am, and then I will take progress shots and write up an essay about this experience and its ups and downs. That will wrap the official challenge, but not my personal one. I might have to think about a new name for the blog, since 90 days is only the beginning...

  • Lunchtime walk was aborted due to pouring rain. :-(
  • Zumba with Tameka at the Apex gym
  • Teeny evening walk to finish steps/miles: 0.40 miles
  • Breakfast: Trader Joes pumpkin cereal bar, 2 cups of tea with milk and raw sugar
  • Lunch: roasted chicken with baby potatoes and sugar snap peas
  • Dinner: turkey and avocado wrap with lettuce and havarti on a whole wheat tortilla, half a small-ish honeycrisp apple, and 8 Trader Joes turkey and stuffing chips (so weird!)
  • Snacks: Trader Joes muhammara and 12-grain crackers, TJs roasted red pepper hummus with cucumber slices, 6 dark chocolate covered blueberries
  • Steps: 11,841
  • Calories: 1371 consumed, 835 burned
  • Weight: 191.5 - holding at the 20 pound mark

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Day Eighty-Nine: Preventive Medicine

I had my yearly physical today, which was all good. I even got a flu shot! I talked to my doctor about my exercise and weight loss regimen, and I was a little shocked to have my level of exercise classified as "heavy" by both her and the nurse. In the past, it's always been light, and I think of it now as moderate, not heavy. Heavy to me is training 3-4 hours a day, which I am certainly not doing. I still say moderate, no matter what my doctor's office thinks.

Exercise was a bust today--I was entirely too asleep to make it out of bed at 5am this morning, and then I was slammed for the rest of the day. Plus I gave the doctor's office a bunch of blood and let them give me a flu shot. It seemed like a good day to take it a little easy. Tomorrow will be better for sure.


Seriously, it's flown by!

  • Teeny tiny evening walk to do SOMETHING today--0.56 miles (Note: This would have been slightly longer, but I got stopped and heckled by the neighbors.)
  • Breakfast: tea with milk and raw sugar, a super-indulgent blueberry scone from Starbucks (390 calories!)
  • Lunch: London broil and grilled asparagus/peppers/mushrooms
  • Dinner: roasted chicken breast, rosemary lemon goat cheese, half an Aisan pear, and a few Trader Joes pumpkin cranberry crisps
  • Snacks: Trader Joes red pepper hummus and cup up raw veggies, a Mozzarella Babybell with a few more pumpkin cranberry crisps
  • Steps: 4624
  • Calories: 1334 consumed, 72 burned
  • Weight: 191.5

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Day Eighty-Eight: 20 Pounds!

I had another one of those mornings where I stepped on the scale, and I truly thought it was broken. I re-tared it to make sure it was OK, and then weighed again to find myself soundly at the 20 pound mark! I was hoping to lose 2 pounds during this challenge, but given all the unexpected difficulties, I am very glad to be crossing this milestone. I am sure that if I continue along this path, and keep trying to make good decisions about my healthy most of the time, then I will see my goal weight on that scale in just a few months. Whoo hoo!
  • Lunchtime walk with Finn: 1.8 miles
  • Ab work: 40 sit-ups, 24 leg raises, 50 crunches, 45 second plank
  • Evening walk to finish steps: 1.38 miles
  • Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with cheese and microgreens, half a honeycrisp apple, 2 cups of tea with milk and raw sugar
  • Lunch: turkey and avocado wrap on a whole wheat tortilla with havarti, lettuce, and a tiny  bit of mayo, 1 small navel orange
  • Dinner: Salem Street Pub's tuna salad wrap and a side salad with thousand island dressing
  • Snacks: N/A
  • Steps: 11,432
  • Calories: 1353 consumed, 442 burned
  • Weight: 191.5 - TWENTY POUNDS, Y'ALL!

Pretty Thing From My Walk

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Day Eighty-Seven: Determination

Today it rained all day again, so no walks. This drives me insane. I got up this morning and went to my barbell class, which was good, but then it seemed clear there was no way I was going to make all of my steps today. Frustrating. Further, Jason has to do some training tomorrow, which means no Zumba tomorrow either. Also frustrating. My solution: skip knitting and go to Zumba tonight. I have mixed feelings about skipping knitting--it's and it's purely relaxing girl time, and I don't get much of that. But I REALLY don't want to miss any classes this week if I can help it, so I went. And it was great! The woman who was teaching turns out to be a Zumba education specialist, and she was amazing--so much energy!

My food was ok, though the Indian food I had for lunch was a bit of an indulgence. However, going to the gym twice in one day burns enough extra calories that I think I could probably eat a cupcake and still be alright. Here's to more exercise!

The rest of the week promises more rain--I am so hoping there are some good breaks for walking. I am utterly determined to make the rest of my planned classes this week.

  • Barbell Strength class with Joy at the Apex gym
  • Zumba class with Loretta at the Cary gym
  • Breakfast:2 boiled eggs with microgreens, 1 slice of honey whole sheat toast with butter, 2 cups of tea with milk and raw sugar
  • Lunch: some Indian food from the hot bar at Whole Foods with a little mixed fruit and an unsweetened iced tea
  • Dinner: London broil and grilled asparagus/red pepper/mushrooms
  • Snacks: N/A
  • Steps:12,257
  • Calories: 1368 consumed, 1049 burned
  • Weight: 193 on the home scale, 198 on the gym scale (which, by the way, the trainer weighing me told me is known to weigh high--um, get that fixed, y'all!)

Theme for Tuesdays and Thursdays

Monday, November 2, 2015

Day Eighty-Six: Trying to Reverse My Bad Attitude

Rain rain rain. I loathe when it rains all day, especially when I am home with Finn. We can't get outside for a walk, other than a short one, and it's slow if we do. Today, he's watched too much TV, though he at least stopped of his own accord. And today, though I have gotten a lot of work done, I haven't moved enough. I HAVE managed to avoid too much sugar and carbs, though for some reason, I've been extraordinarily hungry all day. I made it to yoga this evening, which is a miracle, considering my mood and the weather, and the fact that Jason's truck died this morning. (It's better now, after a little time, money, and inconvenience.) I am fighting a bad attitude. Between the rain, the candy coma follow-up to Halloween, the time change, and the new-ish routine, to which we are all still adjusting, the boys were super-crazy cranky today. I was sluggish and out of sorts. Jason was stressed out by the truck failure and his own insane work schedule this week. I keep having dreams in which I am on vacation--does that mean I need a break? I wish I had a few days to just work on personal projects, but I guess every parent wishes this. Right now, my goal is just to keep the wheels on this bus.

This challenge is winding down, though that fact doesn't mean all that much to me since I have no intention of stopping. I have lost between 16 and 19 pounds, depending on the day, time of day, and how much water i consumed the day before I weigh. I have a good 25-30 pounds to go. I plan to keep going, no matter how long it takes, until I am happy with how I feel, how I look, and my flexibility and strength.The number on the scale is a convenient metric for progress, but it's really about so much more than that.

  • Yoga class at the Apex gym with Cathy
  • Short evening walk (in the yucky drizzly rain): 1.06 miles
  • Breakfast:2 boiled eggs with microgreens, 2 cups of tea with milk and raw sugar
  • Lunch: garden salad with honey mustard dressing, baked chicken with lemon and herbs
  • Dinner: turkey and avocado wrap in a whole wheat tortilla with havarti and lettuce and a small glass of 2% milk
  • Snacks: 1 Mozzarella Babybel, 24 raw almonds
  • Steps: 7225
  • Calories: 1148 consumed, 358 burned
  • Weight: 194--Holding is acceptable, considering the indulgent eating from the weekend!

Weekend Report (Days 83-85)

I have been running flat out since Friday and had no time to write anything, so I am reporting on the past 3 days all at once.

The food this weekend was a little bit out of control. I forgot to make lunch for Friday, and then my absolute favorite food truck showed up to both save and ruin my day. I love Chirba Chirba with the crazy love, and their dumplings are nearly impossible for me to resist. I admit to some serious indulgence there. Then--it was Halloween. I had a few treats, though I stayed away from the candy itself. I figured that the corn chips, the sweet roll, and the cupcake (I make them every year) were more than enough. I will say that the indulgences of Friday and Saturday left me feeling positively ill on Sunday morning. I think I have trained my body to like healthier food better. Sunday was marginally better, though more calories than I should have consumed. I will try to make up for this craziness this week with some low sugar and low carb eating for a few days to get things back on track.

As for exercise, I did manage to get in some walking on Friday. I went for a morning walk as soon as I got to work instead of a lunch walk, and that was absolutely the right thing. It started my day off on a good note, and made my whole day go better. Then I squeezed in a couple of short walks later to get my steps in even though I skipped Zumba in the afternoon to go have dinner with the grandparents instead. Saturday, in addition to the normal stuff we have to get done and the farmers market run, we had people over for a little Halloween celebration. This means there was little time for exercise, even though I was on my feet for the whole day. Sunday was worlds better. We managed to get in a good family walk around Apex Community Lake before the serious rain set in--we got a little damp, but we were all in a better mood after we went! Then in the afternoon, I went to a Zumba class in Cary to try to make up for some of my skipped classes last Thursday and Friday. The instructor turned out to be Tameka, the same woman who teaches the Friday class in Apex that I like so much. That was definitely a win! Top off the day with some ab work and a family dance party, and it was a good, active day. I still consumed more calories than I should have, but I will work on correcting for that this week.


Log for Day Eighty-Five, 11/01
  • Family Hike at Apex Community Lake: 2.38 miles
  • Zumba class at the Cary gym with Tameka
  • Ab Work: 40 sit-ups, 24 leg raises, 50 crunches, 42 second plank
  • Breakfast:scrambled eggs with cheese, 1 slice of honey whole wheat toast with butter, 2 cups of tea with milk and raw sugar
  • Lunch: tuna salad wrap and a garden salad with thousand island dressing at Salem Street Pub
  • Dinner:chili with cheese and sour cream, corn chips and guacamole
  • Snacks:N/A
  • Steps:15,092
  • Calories: 1527 consumed, 1024 burned
  • Weight: 194

Log for Day Eighty-Four, 10/31
  •   Nothing to speak of
  • Breakfast: sweet roll from Boulted Bread
  • Lunch: pan seared salmon, veggie strudel from the farmers market
  • Dinner: chili with cheese and sour cream, corn chips and guacamole
  • Snacks:5 corn chips with sausage dip, 1 Halloween cupcake
  • Steps: 7592
  • Calories: No idea--too hard to track on a day like this!
  • Weight: ??

Log for Day Eighty-Three, 10/30

  • Morning walk: 1.76 miles
  • Short walk in the hood with Kieran:0.54 miles
  • Ab work: 30 sit-ups, 24 leg raises, 50 crunches, 35-second plank
  • Evening walk to finish steps: 0.56 miles
  • Breakfast: 2 cups of tea with milk and raw sugar, two scrambled eggs with cheese and a piece of Great Harvest honey whole wheat toast with homemade apple butter
  • Lunch: Chirba Chirba lunch: a pile of Taiwanese style dumplings (9 - 3 each of 3 kinds), sauteed sesame glass noodles, a steamed chicken bun, and some sweet Chinese sausage--I have no idea how to calculate the calories for this!
  • Dinner: chicken salad on whole wheat bread with a few chips at the S&T Soda Shop in Pittsboro with the grandparents
  • Snacks: N/A
  • Steps: 11,569
  • Calories: Just impossible with all those dumplings! 409 burned though, so that's something
  • Weight:194